“Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start being excited about what could go right.”
―Tony Robbins
“Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start being excited about what could go right.”
―Tony Robbins
“The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”
“Either you run the day or the day runs you.”
— Jim Rohn
“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”
— Tony Robbins
“A man’s true wealth is the good he does in the world.”
– Kahlil Gibran
“Spread love everywhere you go.”
— Mother Teresa
“You define your own life. Don’t let other people write your script.”
— Oprah Winfrey
“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”
―Leo Tolstoy
“There is nothing impossible to he who will try.”
— Alexander the Great
“Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you.”
— Walt Whitman
“Energy and initiative count as much as talent and luck.”
– Will Peters
“Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.”
– Oprah Winfrey
“It’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get up.”
– Vince Lombardi
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
– Nelson Mandela
“Change is painful, but nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.”
―Mandy Hale
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
―Mahatma Gandhi
“All progress takes place outside of your comfort zone.”
– Michael John Bobak
“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.”
– Confucius
“You receive from the world what you give to the world.”
– Oprah Winfrey
“Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.”
– Maya Angelou